Short term High Return Low Risk
Fully Secured Real Estate Investments
Earn by participating in last mile funding to developers against high quality collateral
Why invest in short term real estate opportunities?
Earn 13% - 18% predictable returns
Brings stability and increases risk-adjusted returns of overall portfolio
Fully secured opportunities
Investments fully secured against portfolio of near-completion assets
12 - 24 months investment duration
Short term opportunities enable better liquidity management
How do we minimize the risks?
High quality collateral
Minimum 1.5X collateral to serve against any contingency
Data driven micro-market evaluation
Identifies optimal demand absorption to minimize risks
Approved debenture trustee
Assets mortgaged/ hypothecated with SEBI registered debenture trustee
Near completion under-construction projects
Reduces approval and construction related risks
Rigorous due diligence
Institutional quality assessment at project and developer level
Low ticket investments
Fractional investment opportunities to ensure diversification across projects
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